Wednesday, 21 December 2016

The ONE Stretch You Need to Do, Based on Your Favorite Workout

best stretch for workout

We don’t blame you for being single-mindedly focused on busting out reps, miles, or RPMs mid-workout. But what happens when you’re done? Instead of basking in your sweaty glory and heading to the showers, take a few minutes to hang back and stretch.
Doing so not only makes your body feel good, but the flexibility can help you sidestep nagging pains and some common injuries, says Jessica Matthews (@fitexpertjess), kinesiology professor and senior advisor for health and fitness education for the American Council on Exercise (ACE).
Of course, while your full stretching routine should include more than just one move, we tapped Matthews to get her take on the single stretch you should always make time for, depending on your favorite workout. These moves from her new book, Stretching to Stay Young, will get you started:


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